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Starship Paediatric Rehabilitation Service

On this page

    The Paediatric Rehabilitation Service provides a specialist tertiary level rehabilitation service for children and adolescents who have functional limitations as a result of injury or illness, to ensure they return to active participation in their home and the community. The service works collaboratively with the National Child Rehabilitation Service at the Wilson Centre to provide a range of rehabilitation services to children and adolescents living throughout New Zealand.

    Who we are
    The Paediatric Rehabilitation Service are a team of highly skilled professionals who work within an interdisciplinary model of care based around the child or adolescent's stage of rehabilitation, needs and goals. Team members include paediatrician, nurse specialist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech language therapist, clinical neuropsychologist and psychiatrist.



    Advisory Service

    Specialist advice is provided to health professionals, current patients and their families, usually by telephone or email.

    Inreach Service

    Patients are consulted or managed in a shared care arrangement in the acute inpatient setting in Starship Hospital. Early rehabilitation is provided by a interdisciplinary team, including ongoing review and advice as required.

    Community Inpatient Service

    The Community Inpatient service is delivered primarily by the National Child Rehabilitation Service based at the Wilson Centre. We work collaboratively to provide a rehabilitation programme that supports children and adolescents transitioning back to their community.

    Reassessment Service

    Reassessment services comprise non-inpatient services in the form of day stay, outpatient and outreach services. Paediatric Rehabilitation clinics are generally held at the Wilson Centre.

    Specialised Rehabilitation Programme

    Specialist review of spasticity and movement disorders management including Botulinum toxin clinics.

    Information for patients and families

    Resources for patients and families including a video tour of the Wilson Centre.