Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern Media Enquiries
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Our role with the Media
All requests for Southern staff and patient interviews, photographs or filming must be made through the Communications Team via email:
Under no circumstances may interviews, filming or photography be carried out on the hospital sites without permission from the Southern Communications Team.
Patient condition updates
Patient condition updates can be obtained via the Health New Zealand Media Team:
Health New Zealand has moved to a consistent approach when it comes to responding to patient status updates/condition updates from journalists. Health NZ has introduced a privacy waiver to ensure that we are putting the patient at the centre of any decision making when disclosing information to media - Privacy-Waiver-policy.pdf (
Please note we can only provide condition updates where we can easily and confidently identify the patient concerned. This normally means we need the name of the patient.
Patients have the right to privacy and if they request that no information is released, we shall respect that request. In the event of a mass casualty, or during an emergency, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora may issue media statements and post these on this website.
Requests for media/reporter interviews with Patients
We will check with the patient’s clinical team that they are well enough to be interviewed. If the clinical team believe it is appropriate, we will pass on your interview request to the patient or their parent or guardian.
It is up to the patient or their parent or guardian to decide whether they want to be interviewed, the scope of the interview and how any information gained or accessed from that process may be used, and to give their consent for any photos or videos taken.
While on Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern premises, you are required to be accompanied by a member of the Communications Team.
Interviews are expected to take place during visiting hours only. No other staff or patients may be photographed without their explicit consent.
Media enquiries
All media queries relating to Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Southern (inclusive of Dunedin, Southland, Wakari and Lakes District Hospitals) should be directed to the Health New Zealand Media Team: