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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Smokefree Enforcement and Complaints

The Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 is the key piece of Smokefree legislation in New Zealand. Smokefree Enforcement Officers work for the Ministry of Health to ensure compliance with the Act. 

Supporting Compliance with Legislation 

The purposes of the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 (the Act) are to:   

  • restrict the sale the sale and supply of tobacco and vaping products to those over the age of 18 

  • regulate and control and controlling the marketing, advertising, and promotion of vaping and tobacco products  

  • discourage people, especially children, young people, and non-smokers from taking up smoking and vaping  

  • reduce the exposure of people who do not themselves smoke to any detrimental effect on their health caused by smoking by others 

  • regulate the safety of vaping products and smokeless tobacco products  

  • monitor and regulating the presence of harmful constituents found in regulated products and their emission. 

SmokeFree Environments Legislation  

Role of the Smokefree Enforcement Officers 

Designated staff at NPHS-Southern work on behalf of the Ministry of Health to ensure the legislation is followed.  Smokefree Enforcement Officers visit tobacco and vape retailers, workplaces and licensed premises to remind them of their legal responsibilities and support them to be compliant under the Act. They are available for any enquiries around smokefree and vape-free laws.   

Complaints and Enquiries  

If you are concerned about any of the following, please contact us:   

  • selling tobacco or vape products to people under the age of 18 (including online)  

  • displaying or advertising tobacco (including online) or advertising vape products   

  • selling single cigarettes or less than 30g of loose tobacco (including online)  

  • smoking or vaping inside workplaces (including work vehicles) or  

  • smoking or vaping inside licensed premises     

Email smokefree@southerndhb.govt,nz or call 0800 737 342