Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive
"Everybody has something to offer, a piece of the puzzle, and by working together we can all flourish"
Kiatuku Haumanu Kakahau · Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapists focus on a tamaiti’s performance of everyday self-care, fine motor and play activities with an aim to enhance their development and independence.
Kairomiromi · Physiotherapist
Physiotherapists have knowledge of how the body grows and develops in the first years of life. They assess how a tamaiti moves and will give exercises and support if required to help with any difficulties the tamaiti has with their movements.
Kaihaumanu Reo Kōrero · Speech-language Therapist
Speech-language Therapists support the development of speech, language, social and communication skills in tamariki with communication difficulties. They also assess and give advice for tamariki with feeding difficulties.
Kaituku Haumanu · Visiting Therapist
Visiting Therapy is provided by Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists who have postgraduate experience in paediatric care and a thorough knowledge of child development. They are based at the Vera Hayward Centre and visit whānau at home, or preschool settings in the local community, to provide therapy, management, information and support. Visiting Therapists are committed to helping tamariki with developmental problems and their whānau achieve optimal well-being within their community.
Our Visiting Therapy service also provides intervention to tamariki and whānau living in North and South Otago.
Tauwhiro · Social Worker
Social Workers offer support and advocacy for your whānau, which may be needed when your tamaiti experiences a health or disability concern.
Kaituitui Pūāwaitaka/Takiwātaka · Autism Coordinator
The Autism coordinator accepts referrals for tamariki between 0 and 18 years with undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder or developmental concerns. The coordinator supports whānau through the assessment, diagnosis process and post diagnosis. After diagnosis, the coordinator helps link whānau with the appropriate support agencies and information.
Kiripaepae · Receptionist
Our receptionist coordinates assessment and therapy sessions and greets tamariki and their whānau when they arrive at the Centre.
Kaimātai Hinengaro · Clinical Psychologist
The Clinical Psychologists are based at Children’s Outpatients in Dunedin and work across the Southern District Health Board district, including with the Vera Hayward Centre team. There is often a Clinical Psychologist present at the developmental assessment, and your tamaiti might be referred to clinical psychology by their Paediatrician for a cognitive assessment, assessment of their behaviour, or support managing a chronic medical condition (e.g., needle phobia, significant difficulty complying with treatment).
Mātanga Kai · Dietitian
A Dietitian is based in Children’s Outpatients and works with children who being seen there and/or in Ratoka Whakawhanake Tamaiti (CDS) . Your tamaiti might see a Dietitian if they need support or an assessment of their nutrition, growth, or feeding at any age, and may require ongoing dietetic or MDT follow up.