Southern DHB Smokefree South
Smokefree South - supporting a smokefree / auahi kore future
Tobacco smoking is a major public health problem and is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in New Zealand. It results in almost 5,000 deaths every year, killing two thirds of those who smoke.
Smokefree South is supportive of the Smokefree 2025 goal. Information on the 2025 goal can be found here.
The goal is driven by a vision that families, whānau are entitled:
- to be well
- to enjoy long life
- to be free of chronic illness and
- our children and grandchildren will be free from tobacco and live smokefree lives.
Smokefree South aims to reduce the impact and incidence of tobacco related harm by:
- increasing the number of people giving stopping smoking a go
- reducing the number of young people starting smoking
- working with councils to increase the number of smokefree spaces
- helping organisations like workplaces, education settings, sports clubs and marae to create a smokefree culture
- encouraging smokefree homes and cars
- enforcing smokefree rules and regulations under the Smokefree Environments Act 1990.
Smokefree South are members of the following three coalitions who promote smokefree people and places across Otago and Southland:
- Smokefree Otago
- Smokefree Murihiku
Smoke-free Enforcement
Supporting Compliance with Legislation
The purposes of the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 (the Act) are to:
- reduce the exposure of people to second hand smoke and
- regulate the marketing, advertising, and promotion of tobacco so that people are discouraged from using tobacco products, encouraged to stop smoking, and helped to stay smokefree.
Smokefree Environments Act 1990
Role of the Smoke-free Enforcement Officers
Designated staff at Public Health South work on behalf of the Ministry of Health to ensure the legislation is followed. Smoke-free Enforcement Officers visit tobacco retailers, workplaces and licensed premises to remind them of their legal responsibilities and support them to be compliant under the Act. They are available for any enquiries regarding the laws around smokefree laws.
Smokefree Enforcement Officers contact details
Complaints and Enquiries
If you are concerned about any of the following, please get in touch with us:
- selling tobacco products to people under the age of 18 (including online)
- displaying or advertising tobacco products (including online)
- selling single cigarettes or less than 30g of loose tobacco (including online)
- smoking inside workplaces (including work vehicles) or
- smoking inside licensed premises.
Please phone Public Health South or fill out an online form if you want to speak to a Smoke-free Enforcement Officer.
Southern District Health Board Pēpi-Pod Programme
The Southern District Health Board Pēpi-Pod Programme aims to reduce the rates of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy and encourage the spread of safe sleep messages.
The Pēpi-Pod is a portable sleep space for babies who are most at risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy and provides protection from accidental suffocation in places such as adult beds, couches and other places where your baby may be sleeping.
The 4 key messages this programme aims to spread are:
- babies sleep on their back
- with airways clear
- in their own bed
- with carer near.
Criteria to receive a Southern District Health Board funded Pēpi-Pod is attached as a document below. Referral for a Pēpi-Pod can be made by filling in the referral form below and sending it through to