Sexual Health Clinic | Southern
Sexual Health Clinic
We provide a confidential service for people of all ages, cultures, gender and sexual orientation. The service is free of charge to New Zealand residents. Non-Residents can also access the service free of charge for STI testing and treatment.
We offer:
- safer sex information
- testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV & syphilis
- advice on sexual dysfunction
- emergency contraception and condoms
- long acting reversible contraception in high need individuals
- unwanted pregnancy advice/referral
- genital skin problems
- advice/management of sexual harm/assault
- pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV
- Telehealth and mail out STI checks
If you are concerned about your sexual health come and see us.
You can make your own appointment directly. You don’t need a GP referral.
Disability Assistance
- Provision for wheelchair access