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The Salvation Army Bridge Centre (Alcohol and Drug Support) - Lower South Island

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    Provides a residential alcohol and other drug treatment service as well as alcohol and drug day programmes.

    We are part of the wider Salvation Army, therefore we have many services that support us such as budgeting advice, food banks, social work, parenting courses, childcare, early education centres and emergency housing. See the Salvation Army website for more information.


    Staff are health and allied health professionals experienced in the field of AOD.


    Alcohol and Other Drug - Residential and Day Programmes

    This recovery-focused service is for people with alcohol and other drug problems, with or without any co-existing mental health issues, who are living independently in the community.

    The service encourages the development of skills that will allow the client to manage their own substance related issues, achieve goals and develop positive relationships and problem solving skills.

    Our purposeful, whole of life, person-centred, caring approach combines four key elements;

    1. Partnership: You will be in a purposeful relationship with the treatment team as you move along your own personal path to recovery.
    2. Community Reinforcement Approach: We go beyond education and advice to coaching and practice. Where practical, family and friends are encouraged to participate in your treatment plan.
    3. 12 Step Recovery Journey: The 12 Step approach suggests that the recovery includes a distinctly spiritual journey from a life of confusion and grief to a place of serenity and peace.
    4. The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army in Aotearoa New Zealand seeks to offer an evidence-based, best practice treatment for people moderately to severely affected by their harmful use of, or dependency on alcohol and / or drugs as a practical expression of its Christian based love and concern for all people in the community.

    Residential Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Service

    This service provides residential support and treatment for people who are experiencing significant harm as a result of their own alcohol and or other drug use and cannot be treated in less structured or supported settings. A range of options are available dependent on your needs.

    Our purposeful, whole of life, person-centred, caring approach combines four key elements;

    1. Partnership: You will be in a purposeful relationship with the treatment team as you move along your own personal path to recovery.
    2. Community Reinforcement Approach: We go beyond education and advice to coaching and practice. Where practical, family and friends are encouraged to participate in your treatment plan.
    3. 12 Step Recovery Journey: The 12 Step approach suggests that the recovery includes a distinctly spiritual journey from a life of confusion and grief to a place of serenity and peace.
    4. The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army in Aotearoa New Zealand seeks to offer an evidence-based, best practice treatment for people moderately to severely affected by their harmful use of, or dependency on alcohol and / or drugs as a practical expression of its Christian based love and concern for all people in the community.


    WINZ Benefit or Self Paying options

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Fees apply