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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Organ Donation New Zealand

On this page

    The primary responsibility of Organ Donation New Zealand (ODNZ) is to coordinate the donation of organs and tissues from deceased New Zealand donors for transplant in New Zealand and sometimes Australia. Our donor coordinators also provide information and ongoing support for those families who have generously donated organs or tissues.

    ODNZ works with health professionals throughout New Zealand to ensure there are nationally consistent and excellent processes for donation in New Zealand. We also provide education and training for health professionals, and information to the public.

    ODNZ is part of the New Zealand Blood Service.

    If you would like to receive some organ donation posters or pamphlets (free of charge) please email or call us on 0800 4 DONOR.

    Click here to view posters, pamphlets and other organ and tissue donation resources.