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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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New Zealand Liver Transplant Unit (NZLTU)

On this page

    The NZ Liver Transplant Unit provides the following services for NZ residents:

    • Liver Outpatient Service: hepatology, hepatitis treatment clinics, NAFLD clinic
    • Liver Transplant assessment and follow-up for transplant patients
    • Surgical review of transplant patients/Hepatobiliary referrals should go through General Surgery
    • Hepatoma Clinic review/Specialist Radiology Referrals for Hepatoma Radiology Conference (refs received nationally) 
    • Fibroscans
    • Liver Research Service/currently running a variety of trials
    • ACC/Medical Reports
    • Maternity/Medical Council review by request

     Non-resident patients:-

    Fibroscan by referral from medical practitioner - charge of $269.45



    • Professor Ed Gane

      Professor Ed Gane

      Hepatologist / Professor of Medicine
    • Dr Rachael Harry

      Dr Rachael Harry

    • Dr David Orr

      Dr David Orr

    • Dr Dominic Ray-Chaudhuri

      Dr Dominic Ray-Chaudhuri

      Clinical Director - Liver Transplant
    • Dr Thomas Hanna

      Dr Thomas Hanna

      General, HPB and Transplant Surgeon
    • Mr Peter Swan

      Mr Peter Swan

      Transplant Surgeon
    • Mr Peter Johnston

      Mr Peter Johnston

      Transplant Surgeon
    • Mr Peter Carr-Boyd

      Mr Peter Carr-Boyd

      Transplant Surgeon
    • Dr Louise Barbier

      Dr Louise Barbier

      Transplant Surgeon
    • Mr Ailton Sepulveda

      Mr Ailton Sepulveda

      Transplant Surgeon


    Fibroscans are performed at the Patient Management Services Outpatient Clinic, Level 4, Support Building (Building 1), Auckland City Hospital. They require a referral from a medical practitioner (a specialist or GP) which should be emailed to the Central Referrals office on

    Fibroscans are available for non-residents: cost $269.45 (includes GST).  Payment must be made prior to the Fibroscan. This can be done by visiting the Cashier's office, behind Level 5 Reception Desk at Auckland City Hospital just prior to the fibroscan appointment.  Patients, if in doubt about eligibility, are advised to bring along their passport/birth certificate and/or any permits they have. 

    Any queries can be referred to

    Please find attached a fibroscan information leaflet.

    Of note:

    Patients who have been referred to the liver outpatient clinic may undergo a Fibroscan as part of their routine assessment.  We can offer this at our Greenlane Clinical Centre clinics as well as at Auckland. 


    For immigration and non-resident fibroscans, the cost is $269.45 (includng GST). Payment is to be made prior to, but on the day of the Fibroscan with the Cashier's office (behind main reception) on Level 5, Auckland City Hospital.  This will be confirmed when the Fibroscan appointment is made.

    Referrals from medical practitioners are to be sent to the Central Referrals Office on


    Lions Transplant House, 2 Glasgow Terrace, Grafton provides accommodation where possible for patients pre- and post-liver transplant.

    Patients referred from hospitals outside of Auckland will require travel and accommodation expenses to be organised by their local travel coordinator.

    For general information on Auckland City Hospital (maps, parking, refreshments etc) please click here.