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Mental Health Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination | Southern

On this page

    Our team aims to identify your areas of need and provide a coordinated approach to accessing the necessary support services.

    Southern DHB Mental Health and Addictions Needs Assessment and Service Co-Ordination Team work closely alongside Southern DHB - Maori Mental Health & Addiction ServicesKakakura Health Services and Synergy Wellness.


    Needs Assessment and Service Coordination

    Needs assessment is a process of identifying what supports you require to live a fulfilling life in the community. Assessments are completed in partnership with your Southern DHB MHAID Service key worker/case manager and the support people of your choice. Needs assessment aims to identify your areas of need and provide a coordinated approach to accessing the necessary support services

    Service coordination is the process of agreeing on the best mix of services to support you in your current situation.



    There are no fees for services to public patients if you are lawfully in New Zealand and meet one of the eligibility criteria set by the Ministry of Health. If you do not meet the criteria, you will be required to pay for the full cost of any medical treatment you recieve during your stay.

    To check whether you meet the specified eligibility criteria, visit the Ministry of Health website

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Free
    • Fees apply