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Gambling Helpline

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    Free confidential 24/7 support by phone, email, web and text for those worried about gambling or the gambling of others.


    Gambling Helpline 0800 654 655

    Support from trained counsellors via phone, email, webchat and text for gambling related harm and concerns. Included specialist services; Debt Gambling Helpline, and Youth Gambling Helpline.

    Gambling Debt Helpline: Specialist debt service is available 24/7: 0800 654 655.

    Gambling Youth Helpline: Specialist youth service is available 24/7: 0800 654 659.

    Gambling Pasifika Helpline: Our free national phone number is available 24/7: 0800 654 657. We do not have Pacific counsellors available all the time, but we can organise a suitable time with you for one of them to call you back and we can transfer you to one if they are available. Just let us know that you wish to speak to one of our Pacific team.

    Gambling Maori Helpline: Our free national phone number is available free and 24/7: 0800 654 656. We do not have Maori counsellors available all the time, but we can organise a suitable time with you for one of them to call you back and we can transfer you to one if they are available. Just let us know that you wish to speak to one of our Maori team.

    Powered by Whakarongorau Aotearoa // New Zealand Telehealth Services



    This service is completely free.

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