Endocrinology - Otago | Southern
The Endocrinology Service is a regional tertiary specialty service. It involves specialist care for complex endocrine disorders. The team consists of a range of health professionals including physicians, diabetes educators/nurse specialists, an endocrinology nurse, dietitians and a podiatrist. We also offer a telehealth service.
The service delivers an outpatient clinic service at Dunedin, Dunstan (Telehealth clinic - please note some new patients will have to travel to Dunedin for their initial appointment), Balclutha (Face to Face) and Oamaru (Face to Face and Telehealth) hospitals.
We also have an inpatient service at Dunedin Hospital where we liaise closely with other specialties.
What is Endocrinology ?
Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine system in the human body. This is a system of glands which secrete hormones. Hormones are chemicals which affect the actions of different organ systems in the body. Examples include thyroid hormone, growth hormone, and insulin.
Your endocrinologist is a specialist doctor interested in diseases that affect your hormones. The major areas endocrinologists work in are:
- diabetes
- osteoporosis & Paget’s Disease
- thyroid disease
- sex hormone imbalances
- disorders of growth and development
- disorders of the pituitary gland
- disorders of the adrenal gland.