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Eating Disorders Association of New Zealand - EDANZ

On this page

    EDANZ is an incorporated society established to provide support and education for parents and caregivers of people with eating disorders.


    EDANZ is a registered charity run by volunteers.

    We all have lived and learned experience in the process of recovery from an eating disorder - either as parents, caregivers or affected individuals.


    Eating Disorder Support Network & Resources

    Eating disorders are complex and difficult to treat, with the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.

    However, there is hope: eating disorders are treatable and full recovery is possible. EDANZ provides hope, information, support and resources to people supporting a loved one with an eating disorder.

    EDANZ goals

    • Provide support, information, and resources for carers of people with eating disorders.
    • Educate doctors, nurses and other medical professionals working with eating disorder patients
    • Improve awareness and understanding of eating disorders in the community

    A Support Network
    If you're caring for someone with an eating disorder, you can access support by calling or emailing EDANZ, or attend one of our online zoom peer support meetings.

    Get in touch for a chat with a volunteer, to register for a support group, or to connect with other carers near you.

    Information and Resources
    We recommend that you learn as much about eating disorders as you can. The more you know, the better equipped you'll be to support your loved one to recover from the illness. Misinformation and myths abound but credible, quality information and evidence-based resources are available online. We also have a range of books that we recommend.

    Check out our online resources and book list now.

    There are a lot of myths and misunderstanding around eating disorders that make recovery much more difficult. We provide information for health professionals, parents, schools, and community groups working with eating disorder patients. This includes delivering presentations to medical students, hospital staff, and various parent, school and community groups around the country.

    If you'd like to arrange for EDANZ to provide education for an organisation or community group, get in touch.

    We work closely with clinicians at New Zealand's four eating disorder treatment centres. A key focus is on educating GPs, nurses, school counsellors and others working with people who are vulnerable. 


    All services are free of charge.

    Donations are welcomed.

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Free