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Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) - Queenstown

On this page

    Citizens Advice Bureau provides free and confidential advice to everyone. We take the time to listen to you and equip you with the information, options and support that fit your needs.

    Services Provided

    Legal / civil services
    Free Legal Service
    Free legal appointments are available on a Wednesday afternoon 12.30pm – 1.30pm. The scheme is supported by local law firms who donate their time and expertise free of charge. The appointment is a once only contact between client and lawyer. If on-going legal help is needed the lawyer will suggest the most appropriate action to take.

    Justice of the Peace

    We offer a Justice of the Peace service every Friday from 12.30pm – 1.30pm. There is no need to make a fixed appointment time. Simply call into the Bureau rooms during the JP clinic times.


    Service types

    • Legal advice
    • JP service
    Budgeting and help with debt
    Budget Advice
    Citizens Advice Bureau Queenstown refers clients to the Central Otago Budgeting Advice Service.
    Information and Advice
    Information Resources
    We have a huge range of pamphlets and information resources including a comprehensive range of immigration, Work and Income and tax brochures and forms. If we do not have a form/pamphlet available in the Bureau we are happy to download it from the relevant website and print it off for clients at a small cost to cover stationery fees.
    Consumer Advocacy Service
    Citizens Advice Bureau deals with a range of consumer problems and we have a small team of staff dedicated to specialising in consumer issues. We also have direct access to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs via a “help line”.


    Services free of charge. 

    How do I access this service?

    • Contact us
    • Walk in

    Disability Assistance

    • Provision for wheelchair access