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Caring Families Aotearoa

On this page

    Caring Families Aotearoa is here to support caregiver families who open their homes and hearts to children and young people.

    We provide training, encouragement, advocacy, information and support to caregiver families, throughout New Zealand, so that the placement has the best possible chance of success. 

    Every care journey is different. There will be ups and downs, detours and snags - we don't have one road map for all. What we do have is over 40 years of experience which we share with caregivers and our practice is based on the latest research for tamariki and rangitahi who have not had the best start in life, for whatever reason. Every journey is different, but our goal is always the same: the best outcome for kids in care.

    We deliver practical, ongoing support for caregiving families:

    Services Provided

    Education and training
    • specialised training programs and materials to help caregivers
    • training for new challenges as they emerge 
    Pregnancy and parenting

    Service types

    • Parenting education
    • Family / whānau support
    • advice on understanding Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children policies, court and legal issues and other Government departments
    Information & support
    • connecting new caregivers with others near them for mutual support
    • peer support groups for caregivers 
    • motivating struggling teenagers in care through workshops 
    • telephone, online and face to face support for caregivers facing challenging situations with their children and/or the system.


    Membership is free, sign up form here

    Age groups

    • Child / Tamariki
    • Youth / Rangatahi
    • Adult / Pakeke

    How do I access this service?

    • Contact us