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Te Hau Toka update: Looking after your mental wellbeing Oct 2021

Kia ora koutou katoa,

How’s life been for you and how are you feeling now? Tell us via QLDC’s annual Quality of Life survey.  Te Hau Toka has worked with QLDC on some specific questions to help us better measure the wellbeing of the community and see where the gaps are so please do take the time to fill in the survey.  The data is super important in helping us work with agencies and networks to co-ordinate an overall picture of ongoing needs, including sharing wellbeing concerns, monitoring mental health service capacity, and working together on ways to tackle the wellbeing effects in our communities.  It’s also a great chance to share your views about other issues like employment, housing, health services, the environment, transport, growth, and the effects of COVID-19.  The survey takes 20-25 minutes to complete and closes on 7 November.

Partner programmes

Anxiety, sleep and sensory issues in children: Just a reminder that Southern REAP is running 2 sessions tonight (26 October) at Lake Hayes Pavilion. Educators: 4-6pm, $10pp; Parents and caregivers: 7-9pm FREE.

Use your superpowers: A free talk on how to drop stress, anxiety and anger will be held at the Sherwood Queenstown tonight (26 October) and 28 October, 4:30-6pm.  Tickets available here.

Te Atamira: Want to find some creative ways to improve your own wellbeing and/or entertain the kids?  Follow Te Atamira on Facebook to find out what’s on at the new Queenstown-based community centre.  There are 21 fit-for-purpose spaces including dance, performance, visual art, music studios, pottery, a recording studio, curated art gallery, youth space and a café.

High school rainbow support: Spectrum Club is a Rainbow support group run out of the Whakatipu Youth Trust. The group is for high school-aged students and provides a safe, open, and supportive space to hang out, be yourself, and explore your identity. Spectrum Club is confidential, empowering, and a great place to meet like-minded individuals while giving young people a sense of belonging and a place where their voice is heard and celebrated. For more info visit the Whakatipu Youth Trust website or message their Facebook or Instagram page.

Improve your mental toughness: Prepare yourself for obstacles, setbacks and failure, learn to navigate these challenges in the moment and bounce back from tough times. You’ll get tangible take-aways from this unique HALO training event on 25 November that you can apply immediately to the workplace and your personal life.  Limited spaces available. To register your interest, email

Weekly guys’ group:  Want to have a chat and feel supported? Catch up with other men who keep it real at the Men’s Drop Inn Space on Tuesdays 6-9pm at Joe’s Garage, Five Mile. 

Support for those affected by suicide: Aoake te Rā offers a free counselling service for all ages for anyone needing focused support following a bereavement by suicide. It’s available for individuals, couples, whānau groups (or a combination of these) at any stage after bereavement and the service can be delivered face-to-face, online or by phone – whatever suits you best.  Find out more and view the list of providers here

HIP help: Just a reminder that in addition to GPs, a number of medical centres around the district offer free, immediate appointments with Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPS), Health Coaches and Community Support Workers - Queenstown Medical Centre, Wanaka Medical, Aspiring Medical, Alexandra Family Medical, Health Central, and Junction Health. They’re qualified health professionals who can help improve wellbeing across a range of physical and mental health issues like stress, anxiety and sleep deprivation. For more information visit the WellSouth website

Free online workplace wellbeing workshop for SMEs: Get research-based, simple and practical tools that you can implement right now to improve your employees’ mental wellbeing in a free one-hour online workshop on 9 November, 3-4pm.  The session is run by Dr. Georgi Toma, University of Auckland researcher and workplace mental health expert.  Register here.

Calling all Southern Lakes independent owner-operators: Mel Haarer is running more free, simple and practical Connect and Care wellbeing workshops on 17 November and 10 December at iFLY (includes a free flight!).

It’s good to talk: Are you, or someone you know, feeling stressed about the latest COVID impacts on your business? Reach out and talk confidentially to a professional counsellor – this free service is available to all Queenstown Lakes SME owners. To book, email Benestar or call 0800 360 364 and quote ‘Take Stock’. A free webinar is also offered once a month to any business owners, employees and family members.

Free multi-language counselling: In addition to Diversity Counselling NZ’s free nationwide counselling, Arai Te Uru Whare Hauora is also offering a free multi-lingual phone counselling service locally. Please contact for more details.

He waka eke noa – we're all in this together.

Kā mihi nui,

Te Hau Toka Southern Lakes Wellbeing Group

Find out more about the Te Hau Toka Southern Lakes Wellbeing Group and follow us on Facebook for regional health/wellbeing news and tips.