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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Of all the food and drink you might consume in your lifetime, only one will be nutritionally complete: Breastmilk!

You will be supported by all the midwives working in the birthing suite, maternity ward, neo natal unit to begin breast feeding.  All Southern district birthing units are baby friendly accredited sites.   This means the aim is to give every baby the best start in life by creating health care spaces where breastfeeding is the norm as are practices known to promote the health and wellbeing of all women and babies.

Additional support for breast feeding is available from a lactation consultant for those who need it.  Your LMC midwife will advise on this.

Once at home there is community breast feeding support available – this includes face-to-face support including La Leche League Breast Feeding Support Groups and Breast feeding Peer Supporters, apps and websites, phone support, books and videos via this link: 

Breast feeding apps available to download include:

Breastfeeding has positive physical and mental health implications for both mums and little ones, and helps lay the foundations of a healthy life for babies. Breastmilk is the perfect food for infants and exclusive breastfeeding is recommended until babies are around six months.  Breastmilk has the unique ability to adapt hour-to-hour, day-to-day and week-to-week to your child's needs depending on the stage of growth and development, and even the weather!

We know that although breastfeeding is natural it sometimes doesn't come naturally so it's important that mothers know what to expect and have support from their partners, families and whanau. Successful breastfeeding makes a positive contribution to the health and wider wellbeing of mothers and families/whanau.



Much of the work done to promote breastfeeding within the region is driven by the Breastfeeding Networks in both Otago and Southland .  The networks consist of a range of providers like Plunket, La Leche League, hospitals, midwives, peer counsellors and consumers like parents that work together to promote, protect and support breastfeeding.

Free Antenatal Breastfeeding Classes now running in Dunedin


These FREE classes from the Southern Primary Health Organisation will help parents gain confidence with breastfeeding. They are available to all prospective parents and their supporters, not only first-time parents. They are designed to complement and extend the information provided by antenatal education classes

This flyer has contact details for more information.


Becoming a mother


It will probably be the biggest change of your life. New mothers often say that nobody prepared them for motherhood. It is hard to recognise that our mothers prepared us by their example, and we have learned by absorption. Recent years have brought changes in thinking and actions.

This booklet is a guide for today’s new mothers to help us all understand our baby’s needs and be the mother our baby wants.


 Baby and Breastfeeding Friendly Venues in Otago & Southland

BURP (Breastfeeding’s Ultimate Refuel Place) is a website and a mobile phone app / website directing mums to breastfeeding friendly venues such as cafes, libraries, museums, retail stores to name a few in Southland, Otago and Central Otago.  You can be assured when going to one of the 250 venues listed (and growing) that staff are supportive of breastfeeding!  There is also an opportunity to provide feedback on your breastfeeding experience. 

A breastfeeding sticker indicates that a venue is baby and breastfeeding friendly.

Check BURP out at