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Dunedin Hospital

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Dunedin Hospital is a 388-bed tertiary facility employing over 3,000 staff and servicing an Otago catchment of 181,500.


Dunedin Hospital

Located in the heart of the city centre, Dunedin Hospital is the tertiary hospital for the lower part of the South Island (inclusive of Southland - providing tertiary services for a combined catchment of 289,000) and is home to all specialties plus a broad array of sub specialties.  

The hospital includes Intensive Care, Neo-Natal Intensive Care and Coronary Care Units, eight main operating and two day surgery theatres.  Dunedin Hospital also operates a regional helicopter retrieval service.  Dunedin Hospital has modern radiology services, including MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine and interventional radiology. Specialised psychiatric hospital services and services for people with intellectual or physical disabilities are provided from Wakari Hospital (150 beds) and is located about 3km from Dunedin Hospital (a 10 minute drive up the hill).  

Dunedin Hospital is a University teaching hospital with very strong links to the University of Otago and the Otago Polytechnic Schools of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Sciences.  Each year, Dunedin Hospital sees 36,000 emergency department presentations, performs approximately 10,200 theatre operations, 1800 births, and  23,000 discharges. The video below gives an insight to the training opportunities you will get in our hospital - this is a great place to develop your career!

About working as a House Officer in the RMO unit at Dunedin Hospital

Dunedin Hospital Specialties:

  •  Emergency Medicine
  • Neurosurgery
  •  Internal Medicine
  • Neurology
  •  Gastroenterology
  • Ear, Nose and Throat
  •  Oncology (medical and radiation)
  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  •  Haematology
  • Maternity
  •  Respiratory
  • Neonatal
  •  Endocrinology
  • Paediatrics
  •  Cardiology (including interventional cardiology and a Coronory Care Unit)
  • Mental Health
  •  Renal sub-speciality areas
  • Physical Rehabilitation (under 65)
  •  Rheumatology
  • Older Person's Health
  •  General Surgery
  • Palliative Care
  •  Urology
  • Pain Service
  •  Vascular
  • Radiology
  •  Ophthalmology
  • Pathology
  •  Gynaecology


Bed numbers at Dunedin Hospital:

  # Beds
 Orthopaedics 42 
 General Surgery/Urology/Gynaecology 66 
 Intensive Care Unit
 Neonatal Unit 16 
 Neurosciences/ENT/Ophthalmology 20 
 Cardiology/Renal 20 
 Cardiothoracic/Respiratory 20 
 Older People's Health 40 


 Oncology/Haematology 14 
 Internal Medicine/ Gastro 48
 Children's 16
 Maternity 50
 Total 388