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Victim Support

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    Manaaki Tāngata | Victim Support is here 24/7 for people directly affected by crime, suicide and traumatic events, including their whānau and witnesses. We support people to feel informed, empowered, safe and able to cope with the impact.

    Call 0800 842 846

    Ages: 17 years and older. Although we can provide information to help you support children and young people.

    Region: All of New Zealand.

    Our services:

    Manaaki Tāngata | Victim Support provide tailored, immediate and short-term emotional support, practical assistance, information and referrals to other agencies, plus support through the criminal justice system.

    Our support is free and available even if you don’t report the crime to the Police.

    Our Support Workers provide:

    • someone independent who you can talk to, who listens without judgement and identifies ways to help you cope.
    • access to financial assistance if you're eligible, link you with community resources and advocate on your behalf.
    • information on what happens next, including understanding your rights and supporting you to make informed choices.
    • help with understanding the justice system, including Victim Impact Statements and Victim Register applications.
    • support at key moments during court, parole hearings, coronial process, restorative justice and family group conference events.
    • connections to other local support services and counselling, when appropriate.

    See here for more information on how we can help.

    All Manaaki Tāngata | Victim Support services are FREE.

    Visit our website for detailed support resources and practical information for specific events:

    Access our service:

    We're here for you 24/7, call 0800 842 846



    We have trained staff and volunteer Support Workers right across Aotearoa New Zealand, supported by the National Office in Wellington.

    What makes our people special is that they are not counsellors or social workers. They are everyday people who have been highly trained to meet victims’ needs with both heart and professionalism.

    Services Provided

    Abuse and violence support

    Manaaki Tāngata | Victim Support is here 24/7 for victims of crime, suicide and traumatic events. This includes victims of assault, family harm, hate crime and more.
    For specific information on support for family violence and harm, visit our website.

    Service types

    • Information and support
    • Referral to specialist services
    • Victim support
    Research and advocacy is a vital part of Victim Support | Manaaki Tāngata's work. We advocate to Government and society on the needs and rights of victims in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    Information & support


    All our services are free.

    Age groups

    • Adult / Pakeke
    • Older adult / Kaumātua

    How do I access this service?

    • Contact us
    • Website / App

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Free

    Disability Assistance

    • Decision making encouragement