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Otago Accommodation Trust

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    Otago Accommodation Trust (OAT) provide supportive tenancies for people living with or at risk of mental distress in Dunedin.

    This means we provide accommodation along with support for you to maintain your tenancy.


    Supportive Tenancies

    Accommodation is provided in single, un-furnished or semi-furnished self-contained units in close proximity to Mental Health Services, local shops and public transport.

    We have accommodation in Dunedin at:

    • Heriot Row
    • George Street
    • Duke Street
    • Smith Street
    • York Place
    • Macandrew Road

    OAT has 40 units in total. If one is not available when you apply you can be placed on a waiting list. The location of available units is dependent upon the needs of our tenants.


    Market rent is payable by the tenant.

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Fees apply