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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Oamaru Mental Health Support Charitable Trust

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    Supporting people with mental illness.

    Walking the road to mental well-being together.


    We are a small team made up of Manager and two Activities Co-Ordinators/Mental Health Support Workers.

    We have a great skill mix including qualifications and experience in mental health, counselling, psychology, public health, management, and international sports. 


    Oamaru Mental Health Support Centre

    At the Oamaru Mental Health Support Centre, we support people (aged between 18-65 years) with a mental illness on an ongoing, day-to-day basis, promoting psychological and physical wellbeing in a comfortable, safe environment.

    The following are just some of the services we provide for our regular clients:

    • We listen to your problems and, if requested, give guidance and support
    • We encourage you to participate in our activities, specially designed to stimulate you mentally and physically including: 
    • Bus trips, camps and other outings
    • Indoor and outdoor games
    • Walking, cycling, swimming and gentle exercise
    • Quizzes and brain teasers
    • Workshops
    • Art and craft activities
    • Movie, music and discussion afternoons
    • We offer healthy living, healthy lifestyles advice
    • We help you get connected with people and services
    • We help foster a sense of Community and belonging

    So come on in for a friendly chat, have a cuppa and meet new friends.

    Due to Covid-19 some folk wear masks.  There is a requirement to gel and to wash hands for twenty seconds with soap and warm water, and to socially distance, if required. 

    We thank you for your understanding.


    No fees apply

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Free