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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Maniototo Health Services Ltd

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    Maniototo Health Services provides a 31 bed medical inpatient service including acute, hospital level and rest home care for the elderly as well as respite and carer support.

    Community services include Meals on Wheels and District Nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Well Child, Orthopaedic and General Medicine Clinics.

    The Hospital Company is committed to providing realistic, professional, compassionate health services to our community.

    Our greatest strength is our staff.


    Emergency Department

    In the event of an emergency please dial 111 for an ambulance.
    For non-emergency but urgent medical care, please phone the hospital for on-call assistance (03) 444 9420.

    Inpatient Services

    Maniototo Hospital provides a 31 bed medical inpatient service including acute, hospital level and rest home care for the elderly as well as respite and carer support.

    Public Health Nursing - B4 School Check

    The B4 School Check is the 12th Well Child /Tamariki Ora health check and is free for all 4 year olds.
    There are two parts to the check:

    The Vision & Hearing Screen is normally done at your child’s preschool by a visiting vision and hearing technician. You will be required to complete a consent form prior to this. If your child doesn’t attend a preschool or has not had their vision/hearing screened, we can arrange this with you in one of our clinics.

    The Health Check is done by one of our trained registered nurses and takes about 30-45 minutes to complete. This involves discussing your child’s general health and development, growth, oral health, immunisation history and useful health promotion resources and parenting tips. If you have any concerns, additional support and referral options are available. Ideally the check is done soon after your child turns 4 years of age and is available up until their 5th birthday.

    The B4School check is provided by the Public Health Nursing Service in Otago and the Well Child Service in Southland. If you are interested please call us - we would love to hear from you!

    Ph 03 476 9842 or 0800 247224 (Free to cell phones)
