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Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous

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    Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, (FA), is a recovery programme for people who suffer from food obsession, overeating, bulimia and under-eating.


    Food Addicts in Recovery

    Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, (FA), is a recovery programme for people who suffer from food obsession, overeating, bulimia and under-eating. The program is based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Everyone is welcome at meetings, including those who think they may have a food problem or those who are concerned about someone who may. FA is open to all men, women and teens who want to stop eating addictively.

    Who might benefit from FA? 
    People who find help in FA vary greatly. Some of us have been diagnosed as morbidly obese while others are undereaters. Among us are those who were severely bulimic, who have harmed themselves with compulsive exercise, or whose quality of life was impaired by constant obsession with food or weight. We tend to be people who, in the long-term, have failed at every solution we tried, including therapy, support groups, diets, fasting, exercise, and in-patient treatment programs.

    Does FA work?
    Some of our members have been in continuous recovery (maintaining a stable, healthy weight and enjoying freedom from obsession with food, weight, bingeing, or bulimia) for over twenty-five years. Members with five to ten years of recovery are increasingly common.

    Are You a Food Addict? Take our Quiz and see.

    FA is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine. We take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to abstain from addictive eating and to carry this message of recovery to those who still suffer.


    There are no dues or fees for members; we are self-supporting through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations.

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Free