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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Bainfield Gardens

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    Bainfield Gardens aims to provide a place where people who face the challenge of mental illness can learn work-based skills in a healing environment.

    Ka Whangaia Te Tipuranga Ka Puawai.   Nurturing Growth.


    General Manager - Simon

    Day Manager Invercargill - Joel

    Day Manager Gore - Reuben


    Vocational Based Day Programme

    Bainfield Gardens aims to provide an environment where people who face the challenge of coping with varying degrees of mental illness can come to a garden where the environment itself creates healing.

    This will be done through teaching work based skills in a gardening environment which has a Christian culture of encouragement and love towards each other.

    In turn, this adds back community and enjoyment into the consumers lives so that they will be able to transition back to the fullness of life.




    Age groups

    • Adult / Pakeke

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Free