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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Alliance South Leadership Team


Alliance South Chair Stuart Heal

Alliance South Chair Stuart Heal

Healthcare alliances were established in all health districts across the country in 2013 to help localities and primary health organisations (PHOs) better work together and promote a 'one health system' view for the delivery of health care services.

In the Southern district, Alliance South is the partnership between Te Whatu Ora Southern and WellSouth primary health network, overseeing the implementation of the Primary and Community Care Strategy. Its aim is to promote better integration of health services to improve the health and well-being of people and communities across the Southern district.

Alliance South is chaired by Stuart Heal, who has previously held roles as chair of WellSouth PHN, chair of the Rural Otago PHO and former chief executive of CRT for 20 years. Currently based in Central Otago, he holds numerous governance roles across a variety of sectors throughout New Zealand.

Guiding the work of Alliance South is the Alliance Leadership Team (ALT).

Other ALT members are: Gore pharmacist Bernie McKone, Wanaka GP Dr Andrew McLeod, Southern DHB Service Manager Rural Health Debi Lawry, Gore District Mayor Tracy Hicks, community representative Bronnie Grant, youth mental health and addictions specialist Clive McArthur and Dr Emma Wyeth, a senior lecturer in Māori Health and director of Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora Māori o Ngāi Tahu (Ngāi Tahu Māori Health Research Unit).  

Te Whatu Ora Southern members of ALT are Chief Executive Chris Fleming, Clinical Leader for Dunedin for Paediatrics and Child Health Dr Liza Edmonds, Medical Director, Strategy, Primary and Community Dr Hywel Lloyd and Chief Māori Health Strategy and Improvement Officer Gilbert Taurua.  WellSouth Chief Executive Andrew Swanson-Dobbs and Director of Nursing Primary Care Wendy Findlay represent the primary health network.