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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Vision and hearing testing

Your baby's hearing is tested as a newborn, and children's vision and hearing is checked as part of their B4 school checks.

Why should my child’s vision and hearing be screened?

Children’s vision and the hearing continue to develop and change throughout childhood, so it is important to detect any problems early on through a vision and hearing screen.

What happens during a screening?

Audiometry Test (hearing screen)
An audiometer with headphones presents a range of sounds. Hearing levels are determined by the responses given by the child during screening.

You may be referred to the audiology department for further testing.

Tympanometry (screening for glue ear)
A child is only screened for this if a pass result is not achieved for audiometry. Tympanometry measures the pressure in the child’s middle ear. This will identify glue ear, grommets or perforation/wax.

Vision (distance vision screen only)
This determines how well your child is able to see at a distance by using either a letter matching game or reading an eye chart.