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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Smokefree 2025 Logo

Becoming smokefree

Tobacco smoking is a major public health problem and is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in New Zealand. It results in almost 5,000 deaths every year, killing two thirds of those who smoke.

Smokefree South - supporting a smokefree / auahi kore future

The goal is driven by a vision that families, whānau are entitled:

  • to be well
  • to enjoy long life
  • to be free of chronic illness and
  • our children and grandchildren will be free from tobacco and live smokefree lives.

Smokefree South aims to reduce the impact and incidence of tobacco related harm by:

  • increasing the number of people giving stopping smoking a go
  • reducing the number of young people starting smoking
  • working with councils to increase the number of smokefree spaces
  • helping organisations like workplaces, education settings, sports clubs and marae to create a smokefree culture
  • encouraging smokefree homes
  • enforcing smokefree rules and regulations under the Smokefree Environments Act 1990.

Smokefree South are members of the following two coalitions who promote smokefree people and places across Otago and Southland:

  • Smokefree Otago
  • Smokefree Murihiku

Smokefree South resources

Durable signage options (30cm x 15cm) suitable for indoor or outdoor use are available to order by emailing Signage is free and available throughout the Otago and Southland.  View signage options here.

Smokefree South contact details:

Phone 0800 737 342
Smokefree South on Facebook
Smokefree South on Instagram


Smokefree South is supportive of the Smokefree 2025 goal.


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